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Actually Implementing Dijkstra's Algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm for the shortest-path problem is one of the most important graph algorithms, so it is often covered in algorithm classes. However, going from the pseudocode to an actual implementation is made difficult by the fact that it relies on a priority queue with a "decrease key" operation. While most programming languages offer a priority queue data structure as part of their standard library, this operation is generally not supported (e.g., in C++, Java or Python). In this blog, we go over the different ways to implement Dijkstra's algorithm with and without this operation, and the implications of using each. All in all, we consider 5 versions of Dijkstra (names mostly made up by me):
- Textbook Dijkstra: the version commonly taught in textbooks where we assume that we have a priority queue with the "decrease key" operation. As we said, this often does not hold true in reality.
- Linear-search Dijkstra: the most naive implementation, but which is actually optimal for dense graphs.
- Lazy Dijkstra: practical version which does not use the "decrease key" operation at all, at the cost of using some extra space.
- BST Dijkstra: version which uses a self-balancing binary search tree to implement the priority queue functionality, including the "decrease key" operation.
- Theoretical Dijkstra: version that uses a Fibonacci heap for the priority queue in order to achieve the fastest possible runtime in terms of big-O notation. This is actually impractical due to the complexity and high constant factors of the Fibonacci heap.
Roughly, each of the 5 versions corresponds to a different data
structure used to implement the priority queue. Throughout the post,
let n
be the number of nodes and m
number of edges. Here is summary of the resulting runtime and space
Textbook Dijkstra: indexed binary heap. Runtime:
O(m*log n)
; space:O(n)
. -
Linear-search Dijkstra: unordered array. Runtime:
; space:O(n)
. -
Lazy Dijkstra: binary heap. Runtime:
O(m*log n)
; space:O(m)
. -
BST Dijkstra: self-balancing BST. Runtime:
O(m*log n)
; space:O(n)
. -
Theoretical Dijkstra: Fibonacci heap. Runtime:
O(m + n*log n)
; space:O(n)
We provide implementations in Python and C++. The initial sections are mostly background. If you are already familiar with Dijkstra's algorithm, you can skip to the code snippets.
The shortest-path problem
The input consists of a graph G
and a special node
. The edges of G
are directed and have
non-negative weights. The edge weights represent the "lengths" of the
edges. The goal is to find the distance from s
to every
other node in G
. The distance from s
another node is the length of the shortest path from s
that node, and the length of a path is the sum of the lengths of its
edges. If a node is unreachable from s
, then we say that
the distance is infinite.
More precisely, this is known as the "single-source shortest-path"
(SSSP) problem, because we find the distance from one node to every
other node. Related problems include the "all-pairs shortest paths"
problem and the single-source single-destination problem. Dijkstra's
algorithm is a really efficient algorithm for the SSSP problem when
the edges are non-negative. Dijkstra's algorithm does not work in the
presence of negative edges (zero-weight edges are fine). If
contains negative edges, we should use the Bellman-Ford
algorithm instead.
The constraint that the edges are directed is not important: if
is undirected, we can simply replace every undirected
edge {u,v}
with a pair of directed edges
and (v,u)
in opposite directions and
with the weight of the original edge.
To simplify things, we make a couple of assumptions that do not make any actual difference:
Nodes not reachable by
play no role in the algorithm, so we assume thats
can reach every node. This is so that, in the analysis, we can assume thatn=O(m)
. -
We assume that the distance from
to every node is unique. This allows us to talk about "the" shortest path to a node, when in general there could be many.
The graph's representation
A graph is a mathematical concept. In the context of graph algorithms, we need to specify how the graph is represented as a data structure. For Dijkstra's algorithm, the most convenient representation is the adjacency list. The valuable thing about the adjacency list representation is that it allows us to iterate through the out-going edges of a node efficiently.
In the version of the adjacency list that we use, each node is
identified with an index from 0
to n-1
. The
adjacency list contains one list for each node. For each node
between 0
and n-1
, the list
contains one entry for each neighbor of
. In a directed graph, if we have an edge
from u
to v
, we say that
is a neighbor of u
, but u
not a neighbor of v
. Since the graph is weighted, the
entry for each neighbor v
consists of a pair of values,
(v, l)
: the destination node v
, and the
length l
of the edge (u,v)
Dijkstra's algorithm idea
One of the data structures that we maintain is a list
where dist[u]
is the best distance
known for u
so far. At the beginning,
dist[s] = 0
, and for every other node
dist[u] = infinity
. These distances improve during the
algorithm as we consider new paths. Our goal is to get to the point
where dist
contains the correct distance for every node.
During the algorithm, the dist
list is only updated
through an operation called "relaxing" an edge.
def relax(u,v,l): #l is the length of the edge (u,v)
if dist[u] + l < dist[v]:
dist[v] = dist[u] + l
In words, relaxing an edge (u,v)
means checking if going
to u
first and then using the edge (u,v)
shorter than the best distance known for v
. If it is
shorter, then we update dist[v]
to the new, better value.
Dijkstra's algorithm is based on the following observations:
is correct and the shortest path froms
ends in the edge(u,v)
, then if we relax the edge(u,v)
, we will find the correct distance tov
. If either of the conditions are not satisfied, relaxing(u,v)
may improvedist[v]
, but it will not be the correct distance. -
To find the correct distance to
, we need to relax all the edges in the shortest path froms
, in order. If we do it in order, each node in the path will have the correct distance when we relax the edge to the next node, satisfying the conditions.
Dijkstra's algorithm is efficient because every edge is relaxed only once (unlike other algorithms like Bellman-Ford, which relaxes the edges multiple times). To relax every edge only once, we must relax the out-going edges of each node only after we have found the correct distance for that node.
At the beginning, only s
has the correct distance, so we
relax its edges. This updates the entries in dist
for its
neighbors. The neighbor of s
that is closest to
, say, x
, has the correct distance at this
point. This is because every other path from s
starts with a longer edge, and, since the graph does
not have negative-weight edges, additional edges can only increase the
distance. Next, since x
has the correct distance, we can
relax its out-going edges. After that, the node y
the 3rd smallest distance in dist
and x
) has the correct distance because
the node before y
in the shortest path from
to y
must be either s
. It cannot be any other node because simply reaching
any node that is not s
or x
is already more
expensive than the distance we have found for y
. We
continue relaxing the out-going edges of nodes, always taking the next
node with the smallest found distance. By generalizing the argument
above, when we relax the out-going edges of each node, that node
already has the correct distance. We finish after we have gone through
all the nodes. At that point, dist
contains the correct
distance for every node.
High-level pseudocode of Dijkstra's algorithm
dijkstra(G, s):
dist = list of length n initialized with INF everywhere except for a 0 at position s
mark every node as unvisited
while there are unvisited nodes:
u = unvisited node with smallest distance in dist
mark u as visited
for each edge (u,v):
In order to implement Dijkstra's algorithm, we need to decide the data structures used to find the unvisited node with the smallest distance at each iteration.
Priority queues
Priority queues are data structures that are useful in many applications, including Dijkstra's algorithm.
In a normal queue, we can insert new elements and extract the oldest element. A priority queue is similar, but we can associate a priority with each element. Then, instead of extracting the oldest element, we extract the one with highest priority. Depending on the context, "highest priority" can mean the element with the smallest or largest priority value. In this context, we will consider that the highest priority is the element with the smallest priority value.
A priority queue is an abstract data structure. That means that it only specifies which operations it supports, but not how they are implemented. There actually exist many ways to implement a priority queue. To make matters more confusing, different priority queues implementations support different sets of operations. The only agreed part is that they must support two basic operations:
insert(e, k)
: insert elemente
with priorityk
. -
: remove and return the element with the smallest priority value.
For Dijkstra's algorithm, we can use a priority queue to maintain the
nodes, using dist[u]
as the priority for a node
. Then, at each iteration we can extract the unvisited
node with the smallest distance. However, there is a problem: when we
relax an edge, the value dist[u]
may decrease. Thus, we
need the priority queue to support a third operation which is not
commonly supported:
change_priority(e, k)
: set the priority ofe
(assuming thate
is in the priority queue).
A related operation is removing elements that are not the most prioritary:
: removee
(assuming thate
is in the priority queue).
If a priority queue implements remove, we can use it to obtain the
same functionality as change-priority(e, k)
: we can first
call remove(e)
and then reinsert the element with the new
key by calling insert(e, k)
Pseudocode with a priority queue
Assuming that we have a priority queue data structure that supports
, extract-min
, and
, Dijkstra's pseudocode would be as
The priority queue contains the unvisited nodes, prioritized by
distance from s
. At the beginning, the priority queue
contains all the nodes, and they are removed as they are visited.
Dijkstra pseudocode (with a priority queue)
dijkstra(G, s):
dist = list of length n initialized with INF everywhere except for a 0 at position s
PQ = empty priority queue
for each node u: PQ.insert(u, dist[u])
while not PQ.empty():
u = PQ.extract_min()
for each edge (u,v) of length l:
if dist[u]+l < dist[v]:
dist[v] = dist[u]+l
PQ.change_priority(v, dist[v])
A common variation is to add them to the priority queue when they are reached for the first time, instead of adding all the nodes at the beginning. The only change is how the priority queue is initialized and the if-else cases at the end:
Dijkstra pseudocode (with deferred insertions to the PQ)
dijkstra(G, s):
dist = list of length n initialized with INF everywhere except for a 0 at position s
PQ = empty priority queue
PQ.insert(s, 0)
while not PQ.empty():
u = PQ.extract_min()
for each edge (u,v) of length l:
if dist[u]+l < dist[v]:
dist[v] = dist[u]+l
if v in PQ: PQ.change_priority(v, dist[v])
else: PQ.insert(v, dist[v])
It does not change the runtime or space complexity, but there is also no downside to deferring insertions to the PQ. On average, the PQ will contains fewer elements.
Analysis of Dijkstra's algorithm
Usually, we analyze the algorithms after implementing them.
However, in order to choose the best data structure for the priority
queue, we need to analyze how much we use each type of operation.
Thus, it is convenient to define the runtime in terms of the priority
queue operations, without specifying yet how they are done. Let
, T_min
, and T_change
the time per insert
, extract_min
, and
operation, respectively, on a priority
queue containing n
The main while
loop has n
iterations, and
the total number of iterations of the inner for
across all n
iterations, is m
. This is
because each edge is relaxed once.
The runtime is dominated by the priority queue operations, so it is
O(n*T_ins + n*T_min + m*T_change)
. These operations
dominate the runtime because everything else combined (like updating
the dist
list) takes O(n+m)
Linear-search Dijkstra for dense graphs
The simplest way to simulate the
functionality of a priority queue is to
iterate through the entire dist
list to find the smallest
value among the non-visited entries. If we do this, we don't need a
priority queue. We call this linear-search Dijkstra.
We get T_ins = O(1)
, T_min = O(n)
, and
T_change = O(1)
. Plugging those in, the total runtime of
linear-search Dijkstra is O(n + n*n + m) = O(n^2)
, where
we simplify out the m
term because
n^2 > m
in any graph. More precisely, a directed graph
with n
nodes has at most
A graph with "close to" n*(n-1)
edges is called dense.
Linear-search Dijkstra is actually optimal for dense
This is because Dijkstra's algorithm must take O(m)
just to relax all edges, so it cannot be faster than
, and, in dense graphs that is already proportional
to O(n^2)
Here is a Python implementation:
def linearSearchDijkstra(G, s):
n = len(G)
INF = 9999999
dist = [INF for node in range(n)]
dist[s] = 0
vis = [False for node in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
u = -1
for v in range(n):
if not vis[v] and (u == -1 or dist[v] < dist[u]):
u = v
if dist[u] == INF: break #no more reachable nodes
vis[u] = True
for v, l in G[u]:
if dist[u] + l < dist[v]:
dist[v] = dist[u] + l
return dist
And C++. We omit the includes and "using namespace std;
vector<int> linearSearchDijkstra(const vector<vector<pair<int,int>>>& G, int s) {
int n = G.size();
vector<int> dist(n, INT_MAX);
dist[s] = 0;
vector<int> vis(n, false);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int u = -1;
for (int v = 0; v < n; v++)
if (not vis[v] and (u == -1 or dist[v] < dist[u]))
u = v;
if (dist[u] == INT_MAX) break; //no more reachable nodes
vis[u] = true;
for (auto edge : G[u]) {
int v = edge.first, l = edge.second;
if (dist[u]+l < dist[v])
dist[v] = dist[u]+l;
return dist;
Priority queues for sparse graphs
The O(n^2)
time from the implementation above is slow if
the graph G
is sparse, meaning that the number of edges
is small relative to O(n^2)
. Recall that the time is
O(n*T_ins + n*T_min + m*T_change)
. If m
more similar to n
than to n^2
, then we would
be happy to trade a slower change_priority
time for a
faster extract_min
The best possible answer in terms of big-O notation is to use a
priority queue implementation based on a data structure known as a
Fibonacci Heap. A Fibonacci heap containing at most
elements achieves the following times:
:O(log n)
amortized time.-
:O(log n)
amortized time. -
amortized time.
Amortized time means that it could take more time, but, if we average out the times for that operation across the execution of an algorithm, each one takes that time on average.
Using a Fibonacci heap, we get a total time of
O(n*log n + m)
for Dijkstra's algorithm. This is really
fast in terms of big-O notation, but Fibonacci heaps have larger
constant factors than other data structures, making them slower in
The most common way to implement a priority queue is with a
binary heap. It is simple and fast in practice.
Binary heaps support insert
in O(log n)
like a Fibonacci
heap. However, they do not support the
It is possible to modify a binary heap to to support the
operation in O(log n)
The result is sometimes called an "indexed priority queue". Using an
indexed priority queue, we would get a total runtime of
O(n*log n + m*log n) = O(m*log n)
. This is slightly worse
than with a Fibonacci heap, and faster in practice.
In any case, the priority queues provided by languages like C++,
Python, and Java, do not support the
operation. This creates a disconnect
between the pseudocode taught in classrooms and the actual code that
we can write.
The goal of this post is to illustrate the options to deal with this issue. There are 3:
- Textbook Dijkstra: find or implement our own indexed priority queue.
Lazy Dijkstra: we implement Dijkstra without using
operation at all. - BST Dijkstra: we use a self-balancing binary search tree as the priority queue.
We will cover the latter two options. The first option is an
interesting exercise in data structures (I [implemented]( it once for a project), but it is more about the inner workings of
binary heaps than it is about Dijkstra's algorithm.
All three options have a runtime of O(m*log n)
. Note that
for dense graphs, this becomes O(n^2 log n)
time, so they
are all worse than the naive linear-search Dijkstra. In terms of
space, lazy Dijkstra is worse than the others, as it needs
space, as opposed to O(n)
for the other
Lazy Dijkstra
We implement Dijkstra using a priority queue that does not support the change-priority operation. We need the following change: when we find a shorter distance to a node that is already in the priority-queue, instead of using the "change-priority" operation, we simply use an "insert" operation and add a copy of the node in the priority queue with the new distance. Then, when we extract a node from the priority queue, we ignore it if it is not the first time we extract that node. We call this version of Dijkstra "lazy Dijkstra" because we "postpone" the removal of the pre-existing copy of the node.
Here is a Python version. The logical structure of a binary heap is a
binary tree, but, internally
the tree is represented as an array
for efficiency reasons. Python is a bit whack because, instead of
having a priority queue module that encapsulates the implementation,
we have the
module, which provides priority queue operations that can be used
directly on a list representing a binary heap.
offers functions heappop
to extract_min
) and heappush
(equivalent to
). These functions receive a normal Python list as
a parameter, and this list is assumed to represent a binary heap. In
Python, if the priority queue contains tuples, then the first element
in the tuple is the priority. Thus, in the implementation we insert
tuples to the priority queue with the distance first and the node
def lazyDijkstra(G, s):
n = len(G)
INF = 9999999
dist = [INF for u in range(n)]
dist[s] = 0
vis = [False for u in range(n)]
PQ = [(0, s)]
while len(PQ) > 0:
_, u = heappop(PQ) #only need the node, not the distance
if vis[u]: continue #not first extraction
vis[u] = True
for v, l in G[u]:
if dist[u]+l < dist[v]:
dist[v] = dist[u]+l
heappush(PQ, (dist[u]+l, v))
return dist
Here is a C++ version:
vector<int> lazyDijkstra(const vector<vector<pair<int,int>>>& G, int s) {
int n = G.size();
vector<int> dist(n, INT_MAX);
dist[s] = 0;
vector<int> vis(n, false);
//PQ of (distance, node) pairs prioritized by smallest distance
priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>>, greater<pair<int, int>>> PQ;
PQ.push({0, s});
while (not PQ.empty()) {
int u =;
if (vis[u]) continue; //not first extraction
vis[u] = true;
for (auto edge : G[u]) {
int v = edge.first, l = edge.second;
if (dist[u]+l < dist[v]) {
dist[v] = dist[u]+l;
PQ.push({dist[v], v});
return dist;
Analysis: since nodes can be added to the priority queue multiple
times, in lazy Dijkstra the maximum number of elements in the priority
queue increases from O(n)
to O(m)
. As a
result, we do O(m)
operations. The total runtime is
O(m*log m)
. This can be simplified to
O(m*log n)
, because
log m < log (n^2) = 2 log n = O(log n)
. Thus, in terms
of big-O notation,
lazy Dijkstra is equally fast as textbook Dijkstra
(Dijkstra with an indexed priority queue). The only thing that got
worse is the space used by the priority queue.
BST Dijkstra
Self-balancing binary search trees, like red-black trees or AVL trees,
are a type of data structure that maintains a set of elements ordered
according to values associated with the elements, known as the
elements' keys. They support a few operations, all in
O(log n)
time. For our use case, we are interested in the
following ones:
- Insert an element with a given key.
- Find the element with the smallest/largest key.
- Given a key, find if there is an element with that key, and optionally remove it.
These operations allow us to use a self-balancing BST to implement a
priority queue. With the third operation, we can even implement the
operation, as we mentioned.
Python does not actually have a self-balancing binary search tree module (why?!), so we cannot implement this version of Dijkstra either without finding or implementing our own self-balancing BST.
Here is a C++ version. In C++, the set data structure is implemented as a self-balancing BST:
vector<int> bstDijkstra(const vector<vector<pair<int,int>>>& G, int s) {
int n = G.size();
vector<int> dist (n, INT_MAX);
dist[s] = 0;
//self-balancing BST of (distance, node) pairs, sorted by smallest distance
set<pair<int, int>> PQ;
PQ.insert({0, s});
while (not PQ.empty()) {
int u = PQ.begin()->second; //extract-min
for (auto edge : G[u]) {
int v = edge.first, l = edge.second;
if (dist[u]+l < dist[v]) {
//erase and insert instead of change-priority
PQ.erase({dist[v], v});
dist[v] = dist[u]+l;
PQ.insert({dist[v], v});
return dist;
Analysis: in a sense, BST Dijkstra combines the best of both worlds: it has the same runtime and space complexity as textbook Dijkstra, without needing the extra space of Lazy Dijkstra, but it uses a much more ubiquitous data structure, a self-balancing BST. However, in practice, self-balancing BSTs are slower than binary heaps. This has to do with the fact that heaps can be implemented on top of an array, while BSTs use recursive tree data structures with child pointers. The array has much better locality of reference. For sparse graphs, I'd expect the performance of the different versions to be ordered as follows:
Textbook Dijkstra > Lazy Dijkstra > BST Dijkstra > Theoretical Dijkstra > Linear-search Dijkstra
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